News Archive

ترقية سعادة الدكتور / محمد بن عثمان الجحدلي من درجة أستاذ مشارك إلى درجة أستاذ
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Added Date : 15-Nov-2012
تهنئة بمناسبة حصول سعادة الأستاذ حسن إبراهيم قابور على درجة الدكتوراه
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Added Date : 30-May-2012
تفعيل برامج الدراسات العليا بكلية العلوم و الآداب برابغ
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Added Date : 29-May-2012
كلية العلوم و الآداب برابغ .. مجتمع معرفي نحو مستقبل واعد
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Added Date : 29-May-2012
كلية العلوم و الآداب برابغ تشارك في فعاليات اليوم العالمي للدفاع المدني
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Added Date : 29-May-2012
تهنئة بمناسبة تعيين سعادة الدكتـور / حسين بن سليمان سالم الحازمي رئيساً لقسم الرياضيات
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Added Date : 27-May-2012
Congratulating Dr.Mohammed bin Othman Al-jahdali, for the renewal as the dean of the College of Sciences & Arts in Rabigh
His highness the Minister of Higher Education has issued the decree no. 68552, dated 15/05/2012, endorsing the .. Read More
Added Date : 19-May-2012
كلية العلوم والآداب برابغ ترحب بجميع الطلاب والطالبات
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Added Date : 29-Sep-2011
A delegation from the Public & Government Affairs at Petro Rabigh visit the KAU Rabigh Branch
A delegation from the Public&Government Affairs at Petro Rabigh led by the Manager of Public&Government .. Read More
Added Date : 27-Jun-2010
KAU Rabigh Branch Participates in the 3rd Mass Wedding Festival in Rabigh 2010
The KAU-Rabigh Branch participated in the Third Mass Wedding Festival 2010 in Rabigh. Visitors of the festival .. Read More
Added Date : 27-Jun-2010
Introductory Lecture to KAU held at King Fahad High School in Rabigh
An introductory lecture to KAU, what it offers, and its admission procedure was held at the King Fahad High School .. Read More
Added Date : 19-Jun-2010
Students from the College of Sciences & Arts in Rabigh visit PetroRabigh's Recreation Center
Students from the College of Sciences & Arts in Rabigh visited the Recreation Center of PetroRabigh's compound .. Read More
Added Date : 6-Jun-2010
A workshop entitled "Discover Yourself & Improve Your Skills" held at the College of Sciences & Arts in Rabigh
A workshop entitled "Discover yourself & improve your skills" was held on the 22nd of may 2010 at the College .. Read More
Added Date : 6-Jun-2010
The Custodian of the Two Holy Mosques Approves on renaming the College of Sciences & Arts in Rabigh
The President of the Council of Ministers, Chairman of the Board of Higher Education, Custodian of the Two Holy .. Read More
Added Date : 16-May-2010